8 Tips for Photographing Your RV Like a Pro

With these 8 tips for photographing your RV like a pro you’ll be able to get great photos of your RV no matter where you are

With these 8 tips for photographing your RV like a pro you’ll be able to get great photos of your RV no matter where you are

They say, “If your photos aren’t good enough, then you’re not close enough.” When it comes to RV photography, it is a lot different from your average product or any other photography. So, whether you want to take photos of your RV's interior to show off, post them on social media, or preserve memories on your next RV adventure, you want to do it right. This blog post will give you 8 tips for photographing your RV like a pro.

If you're like most RV owners, you must take a lot of pictures of your RV. And why wouldn't you? RVs are a huge investment, and they offer a unique lifestyle that allows you to travel and see the country in a way that only a few other people can.

8 Tips for Photographing Your RV Like a Pro

1. Find The Right Location

A location and background are enough to make or break an image. According to GottaPics, a famous photography website, you must consider an attention-grabbing location to have some unique photos of your RV. Instead of photographing your RV in a crowded area, parking lot, or driveway, you want to find a scenic spot that provides a good backdrop for your RV.

2. Time It Right

The hours after sunrise and before sunset are considered the best times for RV photography. The light remains soft at this time of day, and no harsh shadows are cast.

You should make sure to capture the photo of the side of the RV where the sun is shining. You should avoid shooting in the direct sun, as this can silhouette your RV.

Also, if you plan to take photos at any other time than this, watch for shadows and shoot the side of the RV that is best lit by the sun.
Besides, try taking photos at dusk or dawn if you want a moodier feel.

3. Use Natural Light

Natural lights help your photos look more natural and less harsh.
Photographing your RV early in the morning or late in the afternoon is the golden time to get natural light.

If you’re shooting indoors, open all the curtains, turn off any overhead lights, and let in as much light as possible.
And, while shooting the outside of the RV, make sure to determine the camera settings for outdoor portraits so that you can capture the best natural light and have some great outdoor pictures of your RV.

4. Use A Fill Flash (If needed)

Though often, using a flash does not make the image look good, so it is better not to use the camera flash unless absolutely necessary. Still, if you must use the flash, for example, to remove unwanted shadows, use your camera's fill flash to illuminate them.

5. Get Creative with Your Angles

The best way to take photos is by walking around your RV and taking pictures from different angles. This will help you capture all the best features of your RV in one image.

It’s easy to get stuck taking photos from eye level but changing your angle can give your photos so much more interest and dimension.
Be aware of height and sight lines. Use a wide-angle lens like a 16-35 mm lens and a focal length between 12 and 24. A wide shot is essential to capture the perfect image of the RV’s small space.

Besides, get low to the ground for a unique perspective. Or climb up on something high for an aerial shot. Just make sure whatever you’re standing on is sturdy.

6. Set The Perspective

Exaggerating your perspective can make your RV spaces look bigger. Get the high vantage point below and corners. Additionally, if you want a more unique view, you should stand outside your RV and take a picture of your RV's interior through an open window.

7. Use Props

Think about what would help convey the feeling or message of your image and go from there. Props can help tell the story behind your photo and add more interest to it. For a more exciting picture, you can set up camping chairs, light a fire pit, or use anything you like.

8. Editing Is Key

Don't be afraid to edit your photos. Some editing can never go wrong to make your RV photos look their best. There are tons of great editing apps available, so find one you're comfortable with and have fun experimenting.


So, those are our 8 tips for photographing your RV like a pro. With these tips and regular practice, you can start taking fantastic RV photos.
In the end, have fun while photographing. Photography is supposed to be enjoyable, so don't put too much pressure on yourself to get the perfect photo every time.

So get out there, start exploring, and capture all the beautiful memories of your RVing adventures and share them with others.

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