"Camping in Idaho, The Gem State"
Sunset Over Cavanaugh Bay
What to see and do when RVing and Camping in Idaho, here are the things you need to see and do.
The links on this page will give you valuable travel information about Idaho.
Statehood: July 3, 1890.
Capitol: Boise.
Name Origin: A derivation of an Indian phrase "E Dah Hoe (How)" supposedly meaning "gem of the mountains".
Nickname: Gem State.
Land Area: 82,751 sq. mi., 11th largest state in the US.
Largest City: Boise
State Bird: Mountain Bluebird.
State Flower: Syringa - Mock Orange.
State Tree: White Pine.
State Slogan: Great Potatoes. Tasty Destinations (State slogans change frequently and some states have more than 1, so we will do the best we can in figuring out which one to use).
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Minnetonka Caves
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