Camping In Oregon, What To See and Do While You're There

"Camping In Oregon, The Beaver State"

Camping in Oregon, What to See and Do While You're There

What to see and do when RVing and Camping in Oregon  here are the things you need to see and do.  

The links on this page will give you valuable travel information about Oregon.

Here are some interesting facts about Oregon

Statehood:  February 14, 1859.

Capitol:  Salem.

Name Origin:  Believed to have come from the Wisconsin River shown on a 1715 French map as "Ouaricon-sint".

Nickname:  Beaver State.

Land Area:  96,003 sq. mi., 10th largest state in the US.

Largest Cities: Portland, Eugene, Salem, Gresham, Beaverton.

State Bird:  Western Meadowlark.

State Flower:  Oregon Grape.

State Tree:  Douglas Fir.

State Slogan:  We Love Dreamers (State slogans change frequently and somestates have more than 1, so we will do the best we can in figuring out which one to use).

Here Are Some Great Videos All About Oregon

Good Sam Club

Good Sam Travel Assist
Camping in Oregon, What to See and Do While You're There

When you are Mt Hiking in the state of Oregon, there is no end to the amount of outdoor activity available to enjoy year-round for anyone, no matter what age, physical condition, or skill level. The outdoor natural habitat of Oregon provides a wonderful landscape and playground for those who find it exhilarating to spend their spare time among Mother Nature and all that she has to offer.

Camping in Oregon, What to See and Do While You're There

One of the most amazing scenic byways to travel thru is just outside Oregon Beaverton a suburb community of Willamette River and follow the historic columbia river highway to Oregon Hood River and enjoy a town born out of mother nature with its own micro pub and wineries and while your there ask the locals about the 11 mile "Fruit Loop" tour.

Camping in Oregon, What to See and Do While You're There

Oregon has 5 climate zones to choose from, all with different ecology from rain-soaked non-sub-tropical rain forest to high mountain desert that sees less than 5 in. of rain per year and everything in between all within a few hours' drive of each other. So, if you just want to relax with mother nature or grab life by the horns and fly down class V rapids of come for the photography Oregon has it all.

Here is what our visitors have to say about some of their favorite places to go when visiting Oregon

Our Favorite RVing And Camping Destination Is Portland Oregon 

Here Are Links To Websites With Great Information all About Oregon

Klamath Vacations: Discover the high desert country of Southern Oregon and Northern California. This RV camping guide gives an overview of Crater Lake National Park, the Lava Beds National Monument, and other RV camping locations as you are exploring this beautiful and scenic region.

Hopefully, this information will help you when camping in Oregon.

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