Fulltime RVing With Children Tips

Are you fulltime RVing with children? If so, these tips will make the most of your time in your RV.

Are you fulltime RVing with children? If so, these tips will make the most of your time in your RV. 

Are you fulltime RVing with children?  Maybe it is just while you are traveling, or perhaps you are a family of nomads, and this is a way of life.  Regardless of your reasons for living in an RV, it is understandable that this can sometimes be a challenge.

These suggestions can help you and your family make the most of your time in an RV while taking a break when you need to.  Above all, it's crucial that you and your children are happy and comfortable, especially when in such enclosed spaces.

Have the Right Size RV

Make sure your RV has enough space for everyone.  While you can never have too much space, and there is likely no RV that is big enough to accommodate every family, particularly those with a lot of children, it is helpful to have an RV that can adequately fit the whole clan.  You want to make sure your kids have separate places to go if they start to get on one another's nerves, not to mention it is important to have proper sleeping arrangements for everyone.

If you suspect your current RV is too small, it might be time to consider trading up to see if you can find something that is a better fit for your family.  Or perhaps there are small upgrades you can make that can help.  This is particularly helpful for individuals who plan to live on the road since the RV is a long-term living situation. 

Give Them Plenty of Outdoor Activities

Time outdoors is important for any child.  If you are in an RV, they will need even more time to exercise and burn off excess energy than if they were at home all the time.  Think about what you can do to ensure they have lots of outdoor play without keeping your RV too full of toys. 

If you want to keep items on hand, consider simple and easy things to store, like youth baseball gloves.  Otherwise, it's helpful to find parks and playgrounds for your children to play in so they can get outside and stretch their legs.  If you are looking for indoor solutions, try gyms or even a YMCA that offers a day pass.  This could be a good way for your kids to swim and have fun while getting out and trying something new.

Consider Normal Arrangements Occasionally 

It might be easier if your children slept in a normal setting from time to time.  This could be at a family member's house, a hotel, or a motel.  Sometimes giving them the option to sleep in a regular bed.  Sure, it can be a deviation from what you are used to doing but consider this: if your children are sick or otherwise need a break from life on the road, sleeping in a regular bed for a few nights might be easier for the whole family. 

If you choose to go to a hotel, you can enjoy a change of scenery.  This is a wonderful time to catch up with everyone if you're visiting family. 

Listen To Your Children's Needs

Maybe your kids are getting tired of life on the road and want to go back home to something "normal."  Although these may not be the words you want to hear, consider your children's needs first.  Maybe they are missing school, sports, or the typical life they were used to living.  It's important to talk about things as a family and always have a backup plan in mind if you need to stop living in the RV.


Life in an RV can be fun, but it's crucial to think about the size of the RV and the needs of your children.  Make sure they get lots of outside time and take breaks occasionally when needed.  This can ensure everyone in your family stays as happy as possible. 

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