What Kind Of Insurance Do I Need On My 5th Wheel RV?
by Anonymous
We have just acquired our first 5th wheel and know nothing about the rules. What kind of insurance will I need if I use the RV for recreation 3 or 4 times a year? Will my auto insurance cover anything I am pulling with that truck?
Any advice would be appreciated.
ANSWER Thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
It is important that you get the right kind of insurance for your RV, whether it is a Class A Motorhome or a Tent Trailer. Your current auto insurance is not going to cover your 5th Wheel Trailer. Regardless of how many times you use it; it needs to be insured. You need a specialized RV Insurance, not all auto insurance companies can provide a good RV insurance plan. An RV is more like a home on wheels than it is a car or truck.
Not all RV insurance plans are created the same that is why I highly recommend Good Sam VIP RV Insurance
. The Good Sam Club
is the world's largest RV owner's community, so they know what kind of insurance RVers need.
Good Sam VIP: Insurance for RVs. FREE QUOTE
Good Sam VIP RV Insurance is underwritten by America’s #1 RV Insurance Specialist, GMAC Insurance, and is designed to provide the specialized coverage that no RVer should be without.
Good Sam VIP, you'll receive superior coverage and benefits including:
• Exclusive low rates for all Good Sam members
• RVs and autos on one convenient policy – earn a multi-vehicle discount of up to 20%
• Optional Full Replacement Cost Coverage – get a comparable new RV if yours is totaled or stolen
• Storage Option – you could cut your premium in half while you’re not using your RV
• Personal Effects Coverage up to $3,000 – at no extra charge
• Permanent Attachments Coverage – get full replacement cost, not a depreciated amount
• Emergency Expense Allowance – up to $500 for travel expenses after a covered claim
• Full-Timer Coverage – designed specifically for those who live in their RVs full-time
As you can see this is an excellent RV Insurance Plan. Even if you shop around, I don't believe that you will find a better RV Insurance Plan then the VIP Insurance Plan provided by the Good Sam Club; that is why I highly recommend it above all other RV Insurance Plans.
The bottom line is you cannot continue to use your RV without insurance. If you do and you get into an accident and damage your 5th wheel, you will end up repairing it out of your own pocket. I hope that this information has been helpful to you.
Happy RVing
RVing Al