Which Is The Black Water Tank Valve and Which Is The Gray Water Tank Valve On Our RV???
by Carrie
(Isleta Pueblo, NM)
Help! We're all hooked up to dump our 2003 Aurora Coachmen tanks for the first time ... which is the black tank drain valve and which is the grey water drain valve - there is one on the left that doesn't move at all and one on the right that kinda swivels when turned. I have read thru all the manuals given and even tri...ed to find on internet - all I'm finding is "be sure to dump black tank first THEN the gray water tank - none tell which valve is which. Can someone please help before the sun goes down - lol - thanks much!
ANSWER: Greetings Carrie thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
First I need to let you know that I have been there and done that. If the valves are not marked there is no way for sure for me to tell you which valve is which. You have a 50/50 chance of pulling the right valve the first time you dump your tanks.
If you end up dumping the gray water first and the black water last, nothing bad will happen the world won't end and your RV will not blow up. The only consequences are that the gray water will not flush out your sewer hose, so you will have run some water down your sewer hose before you disconnect it from the RV parks sewer system to flush out all of the gunk remaining in the sewer hose.
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You are not alone in this dilemma you might want to read the answer I gave to How Do I Figure Out Which Lever Dumps Which Holding Tank On My RV?
OK now it's time to make a choice on which valve to pull first. Just keep in mind those famous words that Clint Eastwood said in the movie Dirty Harry "Are You Feeling Lucky?" Now close your eyes and count 1, 2, 3, and pull a valve!!!
I hope that luck was on your side and you pulled the right one, if not consider it a slightly messy learning experience.
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