10 Affordable Gadgets That Will Save Space in Your RV

These affordable gadgets will help you save space in your RV and make your life easier

By Beatrice Beard

Living in an RV can prove to be a real challenge, but the transformation of motorhomes into real comfortable homes is already a trend in modern times. In addition to being practical and welcoming, these “homes” on wheels - which are anything but conventional - have increasingly collected loyal followers. They can be parked in the most diverse landscaped grounds, with privileged views of the sea or the mountains. As a neighborhood, they only have the silence of nature and hundreds of kilometers of road to explore. One common complaint, however, is the lack of storage space. RV gadgets can help with every part of your camping experience, from making it easier to decorate, to helping you create an unforgettable meal in your onboard kitchen. This article gives you 10 ideas of affordable gadgets that can help you save space and make your life easier.

1. Instant Pot

Instant Pot

If you've ever taken a single RV trip, you probably already know that cooking can be challenging. The stove and oven are probably smaller than the ones you have at home, thanks to the shortened footprint of a trailer. In smaller RVs you may not have much more than a minibar and microwave.

Even with a fully functional and sophisticated kitchen, maneuvering in such a small space can be frustrating, especially if you are camping with a large family. And while everyone likes to take their gourmet skills outdoors, sometimes the weather precludes the classic barbecue at camp. The instant pot has the ability to slow cook, pressure cook, sauté, steam, and even make flawless rice and yogurt.

2. Over the Door Organizer

Over the Door Organizer

A multi-pocket organizer will keep your makeup, shoes, or office supplies in one handy location. You can even cut the organizers in half and use them in more than one place. Hang them on the back of a door or use command hooks to mount them on the inside of cabinets or the base of your bed.

3. Portable Dehumidifier

Portable Dehumidifier

Moisture is one of RV’s worst enemies and you would be amazed by just how much moisture your rig can hold. Use a portable dehumidifier to keep the air dry and to avoid dripping skylights.


4. Portable Fans

Portable Fans

Portable fans are essential for keeping your rig cool with or without air conditioning. Air movement makes your air conditioner more effective. It also keeps things fresh inside

5. Storage Bins

Storage Bins

Storage bins are probably the most important piece of the RV organization puzzle. You can use them in cupboards, drawers, and in the outside storage compartments.

6. Dish Cradles

Dish Cradles

Stacking dishes vertically in a dish cradle makes them take up less space and, more importantly, makes it easier to get them out without needing to take anything off the top.

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7. Square Canisters

Square Canisters

Tupperware is one of the greatest things for storing food, but they can be hard to organize. Square canisters (which are also airtight) are great for maximizing your storage space.

8. Mini Iron

Mini Iron

Doing laundry in a small space is quite the endeavor. There’s not much room for folding, and some items of clothing wrinkle no matter what you do. Mini irons are the best to keep at hand in these cases. Most brands come with a smart storage bag that can be tucked into a cabinet or suitcase as needed.

9. Spray Bottle

Spray Bottle

Fill a spray bottle with water and a small portion of dishwashing soap. Spray your dishes before you put them in the sink. This simple step will act as a pre-soak mechanism and help you use less water during washing time.

10. Light Blocking Curtains

Light Blocking Curtains

Curtains add texture and dimension to an interior. They also block heat. Light blocking curtains available at Walmart, Target and Hobby Lobby are a great RV addition. Not only will they customize and soften your RV, they will also save you money. Heating and cooling bills add up. Light blocking curtains provides extra insulation to keep your bills low.

If you live or regularly travel in an RV or you’re interested in making any small space more useful, hopefully this article will give you some inspiration. Keep an eye out for these must-have motorhome and RV gadgets.

About The Author

Beatrice is a professional copywriter at Case Study Help and Academicbrits.com, having extensive knowledge over a wider variety of topics. She is always open to share her personal experience at PhDkingdom.com and give some advice to beginner writers uncovering all the pros and cons of creating content that’s commercial.

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