Camping Recipe
Breakfast and Dessert in One

 A good balance of nutrients and carbohydrates 


By Cindy Hererra

Rise and shine!

Everybody agrees that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It supplies the energy that fuels our body throughout the day. Likewise, breakfast is crucial for campers and outdoor enthusiasts. We need a right amount of calories and nutrients to get our bodies through strenuous movements like walking long trails, climbing steep slopes, and sometimes, running from wild animals (it really happens!).

A good balance of nutrients and carbohydrates is what you’ll need to get from your breakfast food. You can pre-cook camping meals at home like a camping burrito, burgers, or other meat-based foods that you can just pack and bring over. However, if you want a very convenient breakfast that you can cook at the campsite, we have just the perfect recipe – a bowl of cereal with grilled bananas.

Nothing beats the convenience of breakfast cereals. I mean, if your kid is running late or if you are (yeah, most of the time), you can just tear a pack of healthy cereals and grab a gallon of milk in the fridge, and you’re done. They’re also healthy too – packed with a lot of essential vitamins and minerals. What more if you add chopped bananas with s'mores and bits of chocolates to your favorite cereal? What a sumptuous treat!

Don’t you just love breakfast meals that can double as desserts? If you have a sweet tooth like me, I think you’ll love this banana recipe. It’s made with roasted bananas topped with irresistible sweets, mixed in a bowl of cereal. How good is that? A warm bowl of cereal with grilled bananas will surely guarantee a healthy breakfast to start up your long camping day. 

It's a perfect treat for kids and kids at heart!

Health benefits you can get from a bowl of cereal with grilled bananas

Cereals are a staple American food. They’ve been around since the dawn of agriculture until today. They continue to provide us with a lot of incredible benefits – ample carbohydrates, dietary fibers, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. It’s a complete food! We take cereals for granted most of the time, but it’s time to appreciate their benefits.

As I’ve said earlier, campers like us need a nutritious breakfast to sustain our activities for the day. Breakfast cereals like cornflakes and oats have just the right balance of all the nutrients we’ll need. Another great thing about eating cereals for breakfast is it’s a very light meal, but it will make us feel full for the rest of the morning because of its high fiber content that curbs the appetite. The carbohydrates we’ll consume from it will sustain the energy we need, and the proteins will make our muscles stronger. 

On the other hand, bananas are America’s favorite fruit. It’s creamy and very soft which are safe for infants, as well as for the young and the old. Like cereals, it’s packed with a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It has a low-fat content which makes bananas a perfect diet component for middle-aged women like me who tries to shed some extra pounds. The potassium content of the fruit is good for the heart, lowers blood pressure, and relaxes the muscles. Old campers like us will benefit a lot from potassium since it helps to keep our blood pressures at bay when hiking, as well as loosen up our tired muscles after a long day.

As for the bits and pieces of chocolates and marshmallows included in the recipe, well they’re also sources of energy and um, to curb your sweet cravings.

What you’ll need

3 bananas

3 tbsp mini mashmallows

3 tbsp chocolate chips

1 pack cornflake cereal

1 pack powdered milk

Aluminum foil

Grilling Grid 

Charcoal briquettes/ lump charcoal


Step 1.    Gather the entire ingredients together – mini marshmallows, chocolate chips, cereal, and powdered milk.  

Breakfast and Dessert in One - Cereals With Grilled Bananas
Breakfast and Dessert in One - Cereals With Grilled BananasPrepare the bananas, marshmallows, chocolate chips, cereals, and milk.

Step 2.    Slice the banana halfway in a lengthwise position. After slicing the banana, stuff its insides with mini marshmallows, chocolate chips, and basically any other sweets you want to add. 

Breakfast and Dessert in One - Cereals With Grilled BananasSlice the bananas lengthwise. You can also choose to peel the skin or not.

Also, you can choose whether to leave the banana peel on while roasting the bananas or grill it naked. You can do whatever you prefer.

Step 3.     Wrap the banana in a foil. You can just wrap the foil around the fruit and twist the sides, making it look like a huge candy wrapper.

Breakfast and Dessert in One - Cereals With Grilled BananasWrap it like a huge candy!

Step 4. Preheat the outdoor grill. Make sure the coals are hot enough before putting the bananas on top of the grill. 

Breakfast and Dessert in One - Cereals With Grilled BananasIt's impossible to grill using wood fire. Charcoals work best for grilling

Lighting coals can be hard and will consume so much time, which defeats the purpose of making a breakfast that is quick and easy to cook. A useful tool campers like us frequently use is a chimney starter. Below is an in-depth video showing you how to light coals quickly using a chimney starter.

Good Sam Club

If you do not have a chimney, using a stove is a much easier option

Step 5.    Put the wrapped bananas on top of the grill. It will usually take about 1-2 minutes to cook the banana if you use burning coals.

Step 6. Remove the foil wrapper then chop the grilled bananas. Mix it with the cornflake cereal.

Breakfast and Dessert in One - Cereals With Grilled BananasMix the chopped bananas in a bowl of cereal and milk.

And you’re done!

A bowl of cereal with grilled bananas is a sure way to wake your body up for the long trail ahead. It’s undeniably delicious and incredibly healthy. Your kids will also have a new favorite breakfast meal! For a kid at heart like me, this breakfast recipe is my favorite for a quick day camp because it’s super easy to prepare and it’s the only camping breakfast recipe that I’m 100% sure my kids will eat, whenever I tag them along.

You can also opt not to put the grilled bananas in a bowl of cereal and just eat it as it is. It’s a great dessert for every meal, especially during dinnertime. Its warmness is like a hug on a chilly outdoor night.

How about you? What are your favorite easy breakfast camping recipes? How’d you make them? Share your thoughts below!

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About The Author

Author Cindy Hererra

Guest Post by Cindy at Hunt and Lunch:  Cindy is an avid outdoor enthusiast who shares her knowledge, experiences, and wildlife survival tips gained through the years in her blog, Hunt And Lunch. She’s now busy being a mother to two wonderful kids. She finds time to write about her passion and experiences in the hopes of helping her fellow outdoor enthusiasts and to relive the joy of being outdoors.

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