Many people dream of giving up their "normal life" and just traveling, going on adventures. However, if you think rationally, then such an adventure can end badly without a good plan.
Canadians Isabelle and Antoine lived in comfort and had good jobs, but began to notice that the days and years were all the same. Something had to be radically changed, and they couldn't think of anything better to do than quit their jobs, equip an RV as a home on wheels and go on a trip.
Isabelle and Antoine were saving heavily to finance the purchase of an RV and the upcoming lifestyle. They had to get rid of many things that would not be needed on the road, including the house. The RV was fully equipped so that it became a full-fledged tiny home.
July 14, 2017, was their last working day, and on August 15, they went on a trip.
They were obsessed with mountaineering in their youth, but then they followed the path of "normal" people, got a house, a car, a career, and a routine. Their life was great, there was still time to relax and enjoy life, but they wanted more. By the time they were 30, they had started thinking about working less and spending more time living their lives to the fullest. Within a few years, they were traveling around the mountains in an RV and mountain bikes.
They had the following needs: space for bicycles inside the RV, a heater for the winter, a high-quality solar system, water supply, kitchen, and toilet. They were not satisfied with the eternal camping; they wanted a functional and hospitable home.
They did not find a ready-made RV that would meet all the requirements, so they had no choice but to design their own. They are engineers, so there was no fear, but they did not know how to do something with their own hands. They had to learn a lot. They have come a long way and are proud of it.
Here is the detailed information about the couple's costs. They live on an average of 2-3 thousand dollars per month. The money is earned from freelancing and donations from their blog.
Full-time employees travel long distances on their vacation and do not stay anywhere for a long time. In contrast, they stick to a slow pace: they try to spend as much time as possible in every place that interests them. It even happens that they become very attached to something and do not want to leave.
They are currently exploring ski areas in British Columbia. They also want to visit Alaska before the end of the season. They have traveled a lot and are now entirely focused on skiing and mountain biking. North America still has a lot to offer, but sometimes they think about moving the RV to Europe. Who knows…
They like the nomadic lifestyle, and there is no need to change anything. Living in an RV changed their mindset and life principles. What is a house? Should it be permanent? They still don't have an answer to these questions, and they just enjoy life as it is.
Alicia Burmeister is a traveling and camping lover. She spends at least
two weeks camping every year. She is also a contributor to essay
writing service, where anyone can get help with academic
writing. Alicia is passionate about health and sustainable living.
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