Regular Travels with Your Dog
A Fur Parent’s Guide

A woman and her dog are sitting on top of a hill looking at the valley below

Regular travels with your dog can be a rewarding experience for both of you, but it requires careful planning and preparation

A fur parent's guide to regular travels with your dog will help you and your furry friend prepare for your next traveling adventure.

It's a popular assumption that pet owners would rather pay dog sitters wads of cash than take on the task of traveling with their dogs.

However, facts say otherwise. A survey shows that 78% of Americans travel with their pets annually. On a larger scale, 60% of holiday travelers bring their pets along. And businesses know this trend. American Hotel and Lodging Authority survey shows that 98% of economy hotels now welcome pets. Other chains, from midscale (78%) to luxury (51%), also open their doors to their guests' furry friends.

With countless accommodations ready to welcome your dog, you never have to leave them again. Get ready for regular travels with your dog! Here are tips to make your next destination the best travel experience for you and your pup.

Amazon Pet Supplies

Pack Your Pup’s Essentials

Filling in your dog's luggage is just as essential as filling your own. If you're constantly on the move, your pup's go-to bag must have everything they need to get comfortable and to help you look after them better.

Here are some must-haves for your dog’s travel supply:

  • Food and water. Abruptly and constantly changing your dog’s diet could result in potential health issues like upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea. Stock up on healthy dry food packs made with the necessary nutrients and treats your dogs need and are used to. Make sure they always have access to fresh water as well.
  • Clean-up items. You’ll need wipes, poop bags, a poop scooper, and a paper towel. As an alternative to paper towels, save up by using old newspapers.
  • Water dish and collapsible bowls.
  • Dog beds and blankets.
  • Medical documents and vaccine records. Traveling overseas often requires you to present your pet’s documents and records.
  • Favorite toys or items. Your dog's go-to toys will keep your dog occupied while you’re on the go. Get a variety of toys with different textures so they won’t get bored quickly.

Choose Pet-Friendly Accommodation

It will be easy to find accommodation that allows pets. Most hotels, inns, and lodgings understand that this is a significant decision factor for their customers. However, there are still places where your pooch isn't welcome.

If you’re planning to stay anywhere specific, call ahead and confirm. Ask if they have size limitations and if they charge additional fees for taking your pet along.

Stay on Top of Vet Checkups

Before going, ensure your dog is fit enough for regular travels. Ensure your pet's vaccinations are all up to date. Ask the vet if your dog is in great shape to go, mentally and physically. Factors like age, temperament, illness, and any injury might prompt your vet to advise against taking them with you.

Even when you’re away from home, don’t skip their regular vet checkups. Find out if there’s a vet clinic near your accommodation or destination. Having a vet nearby will be handy when they get sick or injured while traveling. If you’re headed far out where medical facilities might be unavailable, make time in your itinerary to visit one before going, especially for their annual checkup and booster shots.

Camping World
Good Sam Club

Honor Their Routine

Dogs love routine. It gives their life structure, and predictability reduces their stress levels. Getting on the road shouldn’t compromise their need for order and consistency.

Even while traveling, stick with your dog’s routine. Feed or walk them on the same schedule as you would if you were at home. The same goes for water and potty breaks.

You can plan your routine around their schedule, so it's easier for both of you to take a pause and do your respective business. For example, if you're traveling in an RV, after your dog's mealtime, you can give them a long-lasting chew or use a snuffle mat to keep your dog busy. You can then take a shower or do your business on your macerator RV toilet.

Keep Your Dog Leashed and Close

A woman walking her dog on a country road during the fall

New places, exciting attractions, and many strangers—traveling introduces your dog to new stimuli they may not have encountered before. Their reaction to these things may be unpredictable. They might bolt out of nowhere to satisfy their curiosity, hide, or shake off any bursts of energy.

You don’t want a high-speed chase with your dog in public and, even worse, lose them. Secure your pup with a sturdy leash. If they’re smaller, a carrier or a comfortable crate would be the better option, whether you’re riding a car, getting on public transportation, or flying on air.

Secure Your Dog’s Identification

The American Humane Association data shows that 1 in 3 dogs and cats in the US gets lost in their lifetime. Unfortunately, 80% of them are still missing. Losing your pet is one of the most horrible things that can happen to any fur parent, despite all efforts to keep them from wandering off.

Err on the side of caution by ensuring that your dog’s identification is up to date. Check their tags to see if they have the correct information: your dog’s name, your name, and contact details. If you’re staying in the same place for quite some time, place your current location on a separate tag. You can also opt for a microchip for more permanent identification.

Include Dog-Friendly Activities

Since you have your furry friend with you, it only makes sense to plan activities that your dog will enjoy. They can easily participate in road trips, beach visits, hiking, and even take on a food tour around the city.

Plan accordingly if you want to spend a fun day with your dog. For example, look for dog-friendly trails when you go on a hike or bring an umbrella and beach-appropriate toys when you and your pup want some fun under the sun.

However, if an activity or a destination exempts the pets from entering, you should also sit it out. Never leave your dog in the lobby or outside, waiting for you to finish.

Ready for the Ultimutt Adventure?

There’s nothing like exploring the world with your best friend. You can never find a better travel buddy than your dog’s warm presence by your side. Imagine all the photos and memories you’ll take at the best destinations with the goodest pup’s widest smile.

Taking your dog with you on extensive travels can sound overwhelming, and it's tempting to leave them in doggy daycare or hire someone to look after them. Remember that dogs are emotional beings, and being constantly away from you stresses them to the point of being depressed. Regular travels with your dog lets you and your furry friend live your best lives.


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