How to Have a Great Time on Your RV Cross Country Trip

By Ashley Lipman 

Over 7.5 million Americans own recreational vehicles (RVs). For most RV owners, going on long trips in their motorhome is something they enjoy. While going for a weekend trip here and there can be fun, you need to think about taking your RV cross country. Going on one of these long journeys can help you learn a lot about yourself and your motorhome.

How to Have a Great Time on Your RV Cross Country Trip

Before you head off on this adventure, you need to work on creating a plan of action. A properly planned RV trip is essential when trying to have lots of fun without dealing with high levels of stress. Having a great time on your RV cross country trip will be easy when following the tips below.

You Need to Have a Trip Budget in Place

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One of the first things you need to figure out when trying to plan your cross country RV trip is how much you can afford to spend on this excursion. Traveling across the country in an RV can be expensive, which is why you need to make a detailed list of all of the things you need. Using online fuel cost calculators is a fantastic way to see how much money you will need to spend on gas.

You also need to consider food expenses, toiletry costs and any fees you have to pay to use a particular RV park. Having a detailed list of expenses is crucial when trying to go on an RV trip of a lifetime without spending too much money.

Make Sure Your RV is Road-Ready

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Before you start your journey across this beautiful country, make sure your RV is ready for the trip. Taking your recreational vehicle to a mechanic for a thorough inspection is a great idea. Catching small mechanical issues before they create lots of problems is a must.  A trusted mechanic can also change your oil and perform any other maintenance that is needed.

Creating a pre-driving inspection sheet to follow while on your trip is also a good idea. This checklist should include things like testing tire pressure and ensuring the lights work. The time you spend checking out your RV before driving it will be worth it considering the problems it can help you prevent.

How to Have a Great Time on Your RV Cross Country Trip

Leave Some Flexibility in Your Schedule

Some inexperienced travelers make the mistake of packing their schedules full of activities. Having too many activities on the itinerary can make you feel overwhelmed. Rather than scheduling every minute of your trip, you need to work on leaving a bit of flexibility in play. By doing this, you will have no problem taking advantage of unique opportunities that present themselves along the way.

These spur of the moment adventures can help you and your family create memories that last a lifetime. Ideally, you want your cross-country RV trip to be relaxing and stress-free, which is why you need to be mindful of how detailed your itinerary is.

If you are unsure about how much flexibility to leave in your schedule, you may need to consult with an experienced RV traveler. These experienced motorhome owners should have no problem providing you with the guidance you are after.

About The Author

Ashley Lipman-Content Marketing Specialist

Ashley Lipman is an award-winning scholarship writer who discovered her passion for providing knowledge to readers worldwide on topics closest to her heart - all things digital. Since her first high school award in Creative Writing, she continues to deliver awesome content through various niches touching the digital sphere. She has written for a variety of well-known websites like and is always on the hunt for her next writing opportunity.

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