6 Benefits of Living in an RV Full Time

There are some compelling reasons to consider making an RV a home

6 Benefits of Living in an RV Full Time

By Vincent Stokes

Conventional wisdom has always told us that you go to college, you get a job that pays decent, and one of the first major purchases you make is a home. It will take you about thirty years to pay it off, but it is an investment in your future. It is a stable environment where you can raise your children and a place where you can grow old.

However, it is interesting to see that there is a large group of people who are bucking conventional wisdom and have decided to forgo purchasing a house and instead make their RV their home. The age range of people making this decision goes from millennials in their 20's to retiring baby boomers. On the surface, living in a RV full-time might seem like a unorthodox idea for some, but when you scratch beneath the surface, it becomes clear that there are some compelling reasons to consider making an RV a home.

Reason Number One: They Are Very Affordable

As of 2016, the average apartment rental in the United States is at $1145.13 per month for a one-bedroom. That adds up to an annual cost of $13,741. On the other side of the coin, a person can purchase an RV that is in good condition for between $11,500 and $13,000. Some millennials have seen the benefit of purchasing an RV and living in the RV for a few years once they finish college. They can then use the money that they would’ve used for rent or for mortgage to pay off their college loans. Once they get tired of living in an RV, if they’ve kept it in decent shape, they can resell it and recoup a good portion of their investment.

Reason Number Two: The Freedom to Move Anywhere

6 Benefits of Living in an RV Full Time

When you sign for a mortgage on a home or sign a lease on an apartment, you are saying that you are going to stay in the same location for the duration of that contract. However, those who live in an RV have the flexibility to pick up and move whenever they want. If a temporary job assignment becomes available in a different part of the country, they can literally hitch up their home and move to the new location. The same is true if an emergency situation arises that requires your presence or if a family member gets sick and you want to be there to care for them.

Reason Number Three: A Million-Dollar Views for Just a Few Dollars

6 Benefits of Living in an RV Full-Time

Many people dream about having a home that is on the ocean or that has a mountain view. However, owning a home like that costs an arm and a leg. With an RV though, a person can live virtually anywhere they want, and they can pick up and change the view as many times as they like. They may choose to spend a week in the forest, spend a week by the ocean, and then spend a week living in the middle of the city. RV living offers amazing flexibility.

Reason Number Four: Make New Friends and Meet Interesting People

6 Benefits of Living in an RV Full-Time

RV living attracts a lot of very unique and interesting people. It is a surprisingly social lifestyle where lifelong friends are met while walking around the campground or while chatting with friends and neighbors around the campfire. Since RV living attracts people from different lifestyles and different backgrounds, it creates an environment where you will be able to meet people who you normally would not have met if you lived in a fixed location.

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Reason Number Five: Simplify Your Life

6 Benefits of Living in an RV Full-Time

When you have a large home or large apartment, you have a lot of space to store things that you really don’t need. In an RV, space is at a minimum and every inch counts. Many RV owners recount how they have been able to replace stuff with experiences. Instead of spending money on furniture or on electronic gadgets that they just don’t need and don’t have the space for, they now use their money on expensive dinners, visiting national parks, and experiencing life. Of course, this does not mean that living in an RV is living without basic comforts. Most RVs are equipped with the connections to have satellite Internet, satellite television, and other modern forms of communication.

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Reason Number Six: Because You Can

6 Benefits of Living in an RV Full-Time

Many have adopted the RV living lifestyle simply because they can. They have gone the route of owning a home and collecting material possessions and realized that was not bringing happiness. Many have the opportunity to work remotely, and so they take the opportunity to see the country while they work. They realize that if their circumstances change in the future, they can buy another house, but travel may not be something they will always be able to do.

RV living is not perfect for everyone. There are space restrictions as well as other challenges that can make it hard. However, for those who have the gumption to give it a try, it can be a rewarding and exciting experience.

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