RV Travel
How to Plan A Trip

RV trips require you to come up with a perfect plan

RV Travel: How to Plan A Trip

By Rebecca Siggers

There is no better way to enjoy a vacation than going on an RV trip. It is one of the best ways to connect with nature and have a clear view of life from a different perspective. You should, however, know that unlike other travels, RV trips require you to come up with a perfect plan. That is the only way you will end up enjoying every bit of the journey. You don’t want to spend the whole journey thinking of what is not right and what you forgot. So, how do you plan an RV trip? Below is a detailed guide on how to go about the whole process.

Prepare your RV for the journey

One of the first things you need to do is ensure your RV can handle the trip.  Start by checking the wheels. Ask yourself whether you will need a spare tire. Once you finish with the wheels, check the engine of the RV and make sure it is functioning optimally. You can then go ahead and start preparing the interior. That is by renovating the things that are broken or replacing the missing ones. After that, you need to confirm the gear you are going to carry. That is going to decide among the many types of roof racks available, which one do you need to install to suit your RV's needs? Once you are confident that the RV is ready, you can move to the next step.

Choose your destination

RV Travel: How to Plan A Trip

You need to have a plan of where you are going to stay, the routes you are going to take and the campsite you are planning to visit. RV traveling guide states that you need to make sure your trip coincides with the areas of fun activities. That is the only way you will end up spending less and enjoying more. It is also one of the few ways to end up with a remarkable time and a memorable trip. So researching special events of different areas, you will come up with a solid plan that you can stick to. You need to know where you will be on a Tuesday afternoon, which event is on Wednesday night and why you should be at a specific location on a certain date. Such a timetable ensures you don’t miss anything during your RV travel.

Pack your gear

RV Travel: How to Plan A Trip

Unlike other journeys, RV trips require you to bring everything you need to survive a windy day, an evening downpour or a hot afternoon. You also need to have special gear for your safety, such as the first aid kit. All these things are going to ensure that you have minimum troubles and a memorable trip. Other things you need on your RV traveling list include cooking equipment, a grill if possible and cutlery. You also need to bring extra bedding, a flashlight, a compass, a pen, and paper. Don’t forget to pack enough clothing. You don’t want to spend days in the same clothes. Don't forget to have a list of toiletry. Things such as toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste can be easy to forget.

Make RV Campsite Reservations in Advance

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RVs are not like other vehicles. You need a special parking spot or a camping site. Some places are built specifically for RVs. These areas have multiple hookups. You can find sewer hookups, electricity hookups, and water hookups, so you need to call the campground you are planning to stay at and ask what kind of RV services they have. You also need to ask about the type of electrical hookups are available.  The more the facilities, the more luxurious the trip is going to be. The reason why you need to make an early reservation is so that you can make another reservation elsewhere in case the campground you contacted is full.

Make your plans around the people that are going to go RVing with you

RV Travel: How to Plan A Trip

Another essential thing you need to whenever you are planning for an RV trip is to know who you are bringing along. Is it going to be for a group of adults, or are there going to be kids? An answer to that question is going to help you figure what extra things you need to carry. If it is an Adult only RV trip, you can include a crate of beer and six-pack cans on your packing list. But if there are kids, you need to know which snacks you need as well as the kind of refreshments you require. The same goes for pets. 

With the details above, you are not only going to have a fantastic time on your RV trip but also a memorable one. The better the planning, the better the trip is going to be.

Now go out there and have some fun RVing.

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