Stay in Shape While RVing

It is important to stay in shape while RVing!

Stay in Shape While RVing

By Franz Williams and Hilga Williams

Americans love to get out and hit the open road in their vehicles! There's a particular segment of the population that enjoys it even more: RVers! For those who have that wandering spirit, and that love to call home anywhere they are parked, an RV is awesome. For those that spend months on end in their RV, there can be a downside: it is a lack of physical activity. It is easy to get lazy and indulge too much. So, it is very important to look for ways to stay in shape while RVing.

The favorite activity of most RVers is happy hour. In the late afternoon you find groups of folks gathered around different sites consuming alcoholic beverages and high-fat snacks. A few drinks, and some of the snacks, and you can easily add five hundred calories to your day, before even getting to dinner. That, added with inactivity, will lead to quick weight gain while traveling in your RV.

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Hilga and I avoid the regular happy hour ritual and prefer to get out and take an evening walk to stay in shape while RVing. Walking one mile burns around one hundred calories. So, when we go out we typically walk long enough to burn three to five hundred calories. The best part is it's easy to get in a good walk in most RV parks and campgrounds. There is always lots going on and new things to see. We also use walking as a method to get our groceries when the stores are within a few miles of the park. We each have a back pack that we use to transport our groceries. It's a great way to earn our dinner! It is also a great way to stay in shape while RVing.

When you are traveling in an RV there are so many opportunities to take walks. When we have visited national park campgrounds, RV parks near beach locations, locations near mega malls, for example, these have all been great opportunities to take long walks. Of course our favorite is those long walks on the beach! If you take a bicycle with you there are many wonderful locations that have bike paths that go for miles. We really enjoyed a recent visit to the south rim of the Grand Canyon! Both biking and hiking there were spectacular! These are some fun ways to stay in shape while RVing.

For some strength training you can do some push ups in your RV, try some Pilates or yoga with the aid of a DVD, workout with a FitBall, and there's even the option these days of using a Wii system. They have some fitness games that are very interactive and a lot of fun for one to four people. That is a great activity for the occasional rainy day stuck inside the RV.

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I love to write about health and fitness! In addition to my passion for the full-time RV living lifestyle, I have consulted people on nutrition matters for years. I am so surprised how many RVers, especially the full timers, seem to completely disregard their health. Two thirds of the American population is classified as obese, that is being thirty or more pounds over weight. Well, we sure have noticed that in the RVing population. That's why it is so important to get out and be active, and not fall into the trap of always being social and ignoring exercise.

The thing is it's easy when traveling in an RV. RVers are always in great places where activities abound. With a few fitness gadgets aboard the RV, a good pair of athletic shoes, and a bike, you have everything you need to maintain, if not lose weight while living in your RV! These are such simple and easy ways to stay in shape while RVing. So, get out there and have fun!

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About The Author

Franz and Hilga have been RVing for 10 years, and enjoying full time RV living for 4 years (they live 365 days a year in their RV). With over 50,000 miles traveled in RV's, they have many useful experiences to share. If you are interested in the full time RV living lifestyle, you can visit for more articles, pictures, and updates.

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