How to Prepare for an RV Summer Road Trip

Read on to learn the essentials of planning a memorable, enjoyable family RV vacation

How to Prepare for an RV Summer Road Trip

By Kevin Gardner

Have you always dreamed of traveling cross country with your family in an RV? Does the freedom of the open road and the flexibility to stop where you please appeal to you? If you are considering taking an RV trip this summer, adequate preparation is crucial to a successful trip. Read on to learn the essentials of planning a memorable, enjoyable family RV vacation.

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Make a List 

List-making is crucial where RV travel is concerned. Unlike staying in a resort or hotel, typical parks and campsites do not provide guest amenities. Therefore, you’ll need to bring everything your family requires for the duration of your trip. Depending on how many are in your brood, packing might feel incredibly overwhelming. A list can help simplify your planning and make packing seem more manageable.

Start composing your list of necessities far before you are scheduled to leave. This way, you have ample time to make adjustments or add forgotten items. Do you need propane to grill steaks for dinner? Add it to the list. Are you low on green superfood powder? Make a note to order more before your departure. 

Plan Your Meals

The thought of cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner in an RV every day is enough to make anyone’s head spin. Tackle this frightening task by planning your meals ahead of time, alleviating stress once you’re on the road.

Try to stock up on easy, no-fuss meals that don’t require too much time in the kitchen. If your RV has a microwave, bring some muffins or pre scrambled eggs to heat up in the mornings. For lunch, pack a loaf of bread and a variety of meats and cheeses. Bonus, these ingredients can be fashioned into a delicious charcuterie board come snack time! Grill pre-marinated meats and veggies for dinner, eliminating the need for extraneous prep, sides, and condiments. Most campsites are equipped with fire pits, so be sure to pack marshmallows and graham crackers for dessert. Finally, don’t forget paper plates for the nights you need a break from doing the dishes.

If you have small kids in tow, pack plenty of snacks to keep them satiated and occupied. Simple foods like applesauce and string cheese are easy snacks to keep them happy.

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Check the Weather

Once you’ve narrowed down your route, check the weather in the locations you’ll be settling. As a general rule of thumb, pack for cooler climates than anticipated. While it may appear to be hot and sunny during the day, most campsites are situated in tree-laden, woody areas that don’t receive a great deal of sunlight. Further, higher elevations can experience a dramatic drop in temperature at night, resulting in very chilly bedtimes.

RV travel's beauty is the freedom to dress in comfortable, casual clothes for days on end. Ditch your fancy duds at home and pack only clothes you don’t mind getting a little dirty. If the weather calls for rain, bring a waterproof shell or poncho. Snow or freezing temps require a suitcase full of boots, gloves, and coats. Ensuring that you’re prepared for all types of weather will make for much more comfortable travels.

Install Camping Apps

Modern technology has an app for everything, and RV travel is no exception. If you plan to travel without set reservations, download an application that will allow you to seek out last-minute, available campsites to park overnight. Most programs also provide customer ratings and reviews, eliminating any unsuspecting surprises upon arrival.

Other subscription-based apps trade a monthly fee for trip planning services. If routing a road trip doesn't strike your fancy, register for an app that will take care of the logistics for you.

Remember to download these apps before you hit the road. Many RV parks are in remote locations without internet access or Wi-Fi. 

RV travel provides fun and adventure for the whole family. With a bit of upfront planning and preparation, you’ll be on your way to an exciting summer on the road!

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