8 Unique Jobs for Full Time RVers

"A life well-traveled is a life well-lived"

8 Unique Jobs for Full Time RVers

By Alex C. Porter

"Travel leaves you speechless, and then turns you into a storyteller"- Ibn Battuta. 

A life well-traveled is a life well-lived. It's incredibly cool to be able to travel your whole life, but it's even cooler when you can make your living while traveling to all your favorite places. The good news is that you can live the RV-life- leaving stress behind. However, being a Full-Time RVer isn't as carefree as it sounds. Unless you bumped into a goldmine or inherited a massive amount of property, chances are you must look for a job to keep your RV dream alive. By utilizing some tricks you picked up along the way, you can easily find unique jobs while on the road full time. 

The best thing about RVing full-time is it allows you with endless possibilities of traveling. Every day you can wake up in new places. As an RVer, you free yourself from getting chained to one spot. Whether you want to work full time or part-time, it's up to you. Here are the top 8 jobs for a full-time RVer. 

1. Freelance Writer

If you have some serious writing skills, you can easily find a writing job while on the road. Companies around the world are always looking for remote workers to work as a copywriter. Chances are you have heard and witnessed some amazing stories as a traveler. You could even choose to write your story and publish it as a book. 

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2. Photography

If you have got a camera, you may enjoy taking amazing shots of the places you travel to. Photography is as effective as writing to let your story be heard. You may choose to post amazing pictures on your social media and vie for sponsored content or offer to work as a photographer for a Travel magazine. Make sure to invest in a great DSLR Camera and some lenses. It is worth the investment.

8 Unique Jobs for Full Time RVers

3. Book a Gig

If you are talented musically, you may be able to book gigs in the places you will be traveling. Plan where you will be traveling next and use your connections to perform for an audience. 

4. Start a Blog or a Vlog

You can log your travel experiences and opinions to start your blog or a vlog. Not many people can break free from the regular life as you. As such, they may be interested to learn what you do and how you live as a full-time RVer. By actively posting content on your social media, blog, and YouTube, you may be able to make a decent living. 

5. Start your Amazon Business

Thanks to Amazon, you can now make the world's richest person work for you. Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) has become one of the most popular ways to make money online. All you have to do is sell a product and let Amazon handle everything while you get paid for the sales. The best thing is it doesn't even feel like a job.

6. Virtual Assistant

As long as you have a good internet connection and a laptop, you can work anywhere as a virtual assistant. The job is perfect for you, provided you are skilled in organizing and administrative works. You may also try offering your virtual assistance to some business houses and companies. 

7. Influencer/Public Speaker

8 Unique Jobs for Full Time RVers

If you are a good public speaker and think you can influence people, you may choose to pursue that passion. You have already taken that first step by living on the roads. Let people learn why they may benefit from RVing and what life-lessons you have learned along the way. 

8. Make a Documentary

Do not just limit your adventures on the road to yourself. You may choose to make a documentary or film based on your life and show it to the world. It can be an everyday document of how you live, or you may choose to involve other RVers such as yourself to present a collective story. 

While working from the road, make sure you have planned out your finances and have multiple income sources. The ultimate goal is freedom but getting there can require you to hustle at first. Love what you do and do what you love. The world is yours!

About The Author

This article was written by Alex C. Porter, a skilled freelance writer with remarkable resume writing experience. Working actively with CraftResumes, he has helped many aspirants in landing their dream jobs.

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